Pauline Croze


Founded in 1999, the aim of the Clockarium is to study and tell people about earthenware clocks and, in particular, mantelpiece ornaments from the inter-war years. It has been loaned an exceptional c...

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In 2005 we fell in love with the hoarse voice of the young French Pauline Croze.  Catchy melodies and love stories turned Pauline Croze’s first album into a real success, and rightly so.

Seven years later we got the opportunity to film her.  In search of an ideal place, we took the name of the single of her new album literally.

It’s in the CLOCKARIUM, itherefore, with its incredible collection of clocks that we invited the singer to interpret « Quelle heure est-il ? ».  We discovered a simple, funny and nice person who continues to move us when she sits down with her guitar to let her art express itself…

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